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For the woman who feels there is something missing but can’t quite get to the root of it.

For the woman is an advocate for her best life, but carries an emptiness, pain or discomfort day to day that weighs her down.

For the woman who has invested in her physical, mental and emotional well-being but still repeats habits, thoughts and patterns keeping her stuck in places she’s continually trying to crawl out of.

what it is

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A remembering of who you are

So you no longer need to fight against who you are not.

Together we connect you back to the parts of you that you were never meant to forget. You are soul mostly, so through a Shamanic journey we get up close and personal with the pieces of you that were lost along your life’s pilgrimage.

We hear from your soul on how to heal, so it can be fully revealed.


Soul Retrieval Process :

  1. Upon payment received you will be able to make your 2-hour session time.

  2. You will receive an online intake form to gather information via email prior to the session.

  3. We will meet via Zoom to connect verbally for a length of time, perform the retrieval by communing with your soul and guides, and then share a full recap of your soul’s messages.

  4. Option to have the recap recorded and then have email support for the next few days.

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how it happens

kind words

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Teri is a gifted shaman and she blends her medicine, magic and wisdom in a way that is profoundly transformational, uplifting and empowering. Her unique gifts of facilitation are a catalyst for growth, clarity, and span the realms of the present to the very distant past. She is truly adept in her shamanic skills. I am so honored and grateful to be blessed with her guidance in my life. Teri’s superpower is being able to see situations and issues with an uncanny clarity, and she can hold space for healing with a grace and presence that I’ve not seen in anyone else.  

-Kristi Beguin, www.kristibeguin.com 


+ Does this need to be in person?

No, all sessions are virtual and just as effective as in person

+ What is soul retrieval?

Anyone who's had a trauma, from a shamanic point of view, may have had some loss of their soul. By soul we mean the spiritual essence essential throughout one's life as we describe life in our culture, which is from conception or birth to the time of death. The techniques for healing soul loss are soul-retrieval techniques, and one of the classic shamanic methods is to go searching for that lost portion of the soul and restore it.

+ What are some signs that I have soul loss?

Not feeling “whole” – feeling like something is missing or you can’t get it all together

· Stuck in the “past” after a loved one, child or adult, has died. You can’t seem to move out of the past to live in the present

· Ungrounded. Often feeling disconnected, constantly daydreaming, not wanting to be here on Earth, not wanting to connect with reality

· Blocks of memory loss . . . at any time in life . . . but particularly from childhood

· Unable to release some emotional trauma from the past . . . a death, divorce, loss of some kind

· Asking: “Why am I here?” A sense of no direction, no focus, a wandering around aimlessly, no sense of purpose or self

· Addictions . . . of any kind, such as alcohol, drugs, food, binging, anorexia, cravings, gambling, love, codependency

· Loss of emotional feeling . . . can’t cry, can’t feel . . . a general “emotional numbness”

· Very sick since birth . . . especially during the first 12 years of life

· Depression of any kind

· Schizophrenia or any other kind of psychotic “break from reality”

· Loss of self-esteem/confidence that has been caused oftentimes in childhood.

· Excessive shame or guilt

+ What do you do during a soul retrieval journey?

The shaman enters altered state to walk into the spirit realm and retrieves the soul pieces. Once all the pieces are found, he/she will blow the soul pieces back into the client’s chakras. Many times there is a cleansing of the aura field while pieces are being retrieved. The energy body is then sealed by circling the body energetically. After that is complete there will be verbal share.

+ Will I have any reactions to soul recover?

There are as many responses to soul recovery. There can be a sense of immediate relief, as if a weight is lifting off their shoulders. There might also be tears, a sense of joy, physical or emotional pain. If you are integrating deeply emotional soul pieces you may experience some emotional highs and lows in the first month after soul retrieval. With the return of pieces, there is a “reawakening” of the body on all levels of itself. The reactions experienced are too many to list. You will feel different and it is up to you to really solidify this healing by making choices to support the changes.

+ Do I only need one soul retrieval?

There are very few people that can retrieve all soul loss in one session. Typically, there are pieces brought back to help prepare you for the next one. Like most goals, you don’t get to the finale without going through the stages required for the outcome. Most people are experiencing a tremendous amount of soul loss due to personal and worldwide pain and suffering. Sensitive people tend to take on so much more than their own experiences. Each retrieval needs time to integrate before the next one is ready to happen.