The membership of non-traditional, instructional, dance classes designed to wake up the creative, passionate & brilliant women to their true selves.

Ancient medicine made modern.

In the meantime join the women only private Facebook group to connect, receive updates, and bonus video goodies.

Teri Sertic Square Photos-about-2.png



Want to awaken through dance NOW?

Connect with Me to inquire about private Zoom classes.


What They’re Saying...


When I attended my first dance class with Teri I felt like I had been carrying the weight of the world on my shoulders.  I was so loaded down with worry and sadness and fear.  As Teri started the class and I began to follow her lead I started to feel my burdens lift off of me.  I started to feel peace re-enter my soul.  As the class went on, I found myself smiling and laughing and having so much fun!  I felt so free.  I felt like I could dance and spin and twirl forever and that even when we were done everything would be okay.  It was truly magical and exactly what my weary heart needed.  I can't wait to attend many more classes with her.     


Absolutely the most supportive and safe teaching environment and teaching style I have ever encountered. Teri takes you step-by-step through the (dance) class with such a supportive and inspiring teaching style that you have so much fun and feel like you have a whole team cheering you on as you let go of all of the many roles that you “have” to play in life and get back in touch with your swagger.

— Michelle

Awaken Through Dance fulfills the promise of its name. It will awaken your body, your senses, your emotions, and spirit and make you feel fully alive, refreshed, and renewed. It is a wonderful combination of yoga, dance, and meditation (a triple threat) that is sure to take you to new levels of growth on your spiritual journey. Teri is an inspired leader with high energy and enthusiasm, making you feel as comfortable as if you were dancing in your living room with good friends. Her song choices are inspired and lively. You may laugh, you may cry, you may sing but you will definitely experience something wonderful at this workshop and come away with some new friends and insights.



+ Why is this for women only?

It’s been my experience that if women have the private sacred space to tap back into their soulful sensual bodies with other women in the safety of their expression being safe, they will waken back up to their innate powers of intuition, creativity and wisdom. All of this gets convoluted with the roles of partner, mother, daughter, employee, etc. I believe that there is a magnetism inside of women that can change and heal humanity if it’s fostered and nurtured. The extra bonus is that you get to merge the freedom of the playful little girl inside of you with the delicious grown woman you are becoming.

+ I can’t dance. Is this for me?

The beauty and intention of Awaken Through Dance is that it’s designed to make movement easy. This is not a traditional dance class with choreography and strict guidelines. This is about connecting into your own body and breath to see what your body has going on and how your body wants to move. There are some guided moves, but these are designed to open your body up for easier movement.

+ Do you have to be in shape to do this?

Absolutely not! You are met where you are. This isn’t designed for you to lose weight, increase your cardio, get in shape. Those are just the lovely side effects. If you need to sit on the floor or on a chair the whole time- I highly encourage you to listen to where your body is and what it needs most.


+ What does ‘awaken’ mean in Awaken Through Dance?

Honestly, I feel like most women aren’t quite sure what it means to fully inhabit your body. We often disassociate from ourselves by staying overly busy or watching TV with too many snacks. We feel competition and comparison instead of gratitude for our uniqueness.

+ The thought of dance scares me but I was told to check this out. Why would I want to do this?

First, if you are even reading this, I am over the moon happy! I am a firm believer that if something scares you that isn’t a danger to you, it’s worth trying. The cool thing about an online membership is that you can be in a room by yourself trying this out. The guidance you get for moves comes with guidance for life and self-compassion. I say try 15 minutes and if you’re having panic or anxiety about it- stop, sit and breathe. Tell yourself that you are safe and that you do not have to do this. I would recommend that you get some therapeutic help to see why movement is accessing some real fear.